As an avid hair coloring fiend, I was nervous upon hearing January Jones revelation that her hair is falling out in clumps. Since I literally just colored my hair over the weekend, I decided I needed some expert advice from my friend and celebrity Master Colorist, Jason Backe of
Ted Gibson Salon. He's also the Celebrity Colorist for L’Oreal Professionnel, so he definitely knows color!
Q: January Jones revealed that her hair is falling out in clumps from all of the hair coloring she has done in the past year. Is what is happening to her normal and something that others who color their hair should worry about?
Jason: The question in whether or not the hair is falling out at the scalp OR breaking off in clumps. If the hair is falling out at the scalp I would seriously doubt it is product related. In my entire career I have never experienced hair color to cause bald spots at the scalp (and believe me, I have women who color their hair from brown to blond every 12 days). I have however seen bald spots appear because of diet or stress related issues and although I wouldn’t consider this common, it is not unusual. If the hair is breaking off in clumps then it is most likely a hair integrity issue. Excessive coloring can lead to damage and ultimately breakage – no matter how expertly talented the colorist. If you are a girl who loves to change your color frequently, look for the signs of extremely dry, brittle and breaking hair. This will let you know to pump your breaks and run to the salon for weekly treatments (I am obsessed with the Fiberceutic treatment by L'Oreal Professionnel – it REBUILDS the hair from the inside out – MAJOR) to restore health and integrity before your next color.
Q: How often should women go between colorings?
Jason: As a general rule I suggest 3-4 weeks. That being said, there are exceptions to every rule. It's not terrible to color more frequently as long as you are not going overboard. Remember, hair is a fiber – the more you manipulate it, the more fragile it becomes. I love using as much AMMONIA FREE COLOR as possible. INOA and Dia Light from L’Oreal Professionnel have completely changed the way I think about hair color and how to avoid compromising the integrity of the hair.
Q: What is the max amount of times per year someone can color their hair without it becoming overly damaged?
Jason: That is a tough question to answer – it really depends on the individual, her hair texture and type, how frequently she shampoos and heat styles. There are too many variables to really say.
Q: Does the damage occur more with dying your hair blonde and highlighting, than coloring your hair with darker colors?
Jason: Generally, lightening the hair is more damaging than going darker. However, anytime you use hair color you are going to alter the hair shaft. The more it is altered them more damage is likely. Again – this is why I choose ammonia free colors and lighteners. They leave the hair softer to the touch, shinier and ultimately much stronger.
Q: Are there products you can incorporate into your daily routine to help prevent your hair from falling out?
Jason: Again, falling out may be more related to diet, stress and overall wellness more than a topical product. Breakage on the other hand has some products that you can use at home to help repair. The Fiberceutic by L'Oreal Professionnel has a shampoo and condition masque for at home maintenance. The Mythic Oil by L’Oreal Professionnel just had a line extension to address dryness and color treated hair – it's AMAZING stuff!
Q: Any other tips for those of us who LOVE to color our hair?
Jason: Always trust a professional. Stay away from box color. When your colorist says – if we do that today your hair will break – believe him!
I hope this is helpful to everyone who colors their hair! If you are in New York and are in need for a color, definitely give
Ted Gibson Salon a call to book an appointment with Jason!
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