Lavanila Healthy Deodorant
Finding the right deodorant isn’t always easy. Powders, gels, regular strength, clinical strength…there’s a ton of options on the market, but many women still struggle with finding a product that meets their exact needs. Why is it so hard to find a product that smells good, gets the job done, and nourishes our skin?
I recently came across Lavanila Labs, an all-natural, healthy beauty company promising high-quality organic goods. Among a slew of other beauty products, Lavanila Labs boasts a set of Healthy Deodorants. The collection of freshly-scented powder sticks promises long-lasting odor protection and powerful skin nourishment to boot.
I was immediately intrigued by the deodorant collection, mainly because they had some delicious names like Vanilla Grapefruit, Vanilla Lavender, and Vanilla Passion (and I mean, who wouldn’t want their armpits to smell vanilla-y fresh?). Aside from the names though, I wasn’t immediately sold. I was pretty skeptical at first because I’ve tried a small handful of other organic antiperspirants and deodorants, and no product has ever lived up to my expectations.
I decided to put the Lavender-Vanilla scented Lavanila deodorant to the ultimate test: a cardio workout. After a 3 mile run and about twenty minutes of free weights, I made my roommate smell me. Yes. I just said that. I made my roommate smell me after a good 50 minutes of working out.
I’m happy – and not to mention relieved - to say that Lavanila totally works! I wasn’t once nervous about the product not performing, and after a few days of use, I’ve even started noticing my skin feels slightly more moisturized. An added bonus? Lavanila deodorants seem to be slightly easier to get out of clothing if your hand happens to run awry while applying. Not that I would know anything about that, of course!
Have you tried any Lavanila products? Share your experience with us in the comments?
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EDIT: 4/23/2012
Not too long after this was posted, we received the following tweet:
Sara was kind enough to engage with us and said that it stopped working for her after about a month or so. At the time, Lavanilla was still working wonderfully for me....until this weekend, that is. One day I noticed that it completely stopped working, which is a total shame because I had high hopes for it. If you've had a similar experience, please feel free to let us know in the comments!