A Girl's Gotta Spa! in VOGUE Australia and Real Beauty

Sometimes I get so busy writing reviews, that I often forget to post here when A Girl's Gotta Spa! has gotten some love from the press. So just a quick post to tell you about two exciting press hits this month! Print: It appears VOGUE Australia mentioned me in their August issue (along with fellow friend and beauty blogger, Julia Coney from All About the Pretty.) When Julia emailed me to let me know, my jaw hit the floor. Not sure just yet what the article is about (besides beauty bloggers) but here's a picture where you can see me mentioned! Online: RealBeauty.com asked 33 blogger's for their money saving tips when it came to beauty products and you can find my tip mentioned on slide 32! I'm very grateful to have gotten noticed! *Photo sourced from fashionablymarketing.me.


Shannon Smyth
Shannon Smyth
Thanks! It’s been a while Crystal! How are you?
Crystal - Beauty or Bust
Crystal - Beauty or Bust
Congrats Shannon! That is so awesome!

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