An Easy Way to Squeeze in Fitness

Zobi fitness review via @agirlsgottaspa I'm one of those people who truly enjoys working out. I absolutely love how I feel after a workout and actually dread missing my gym time. There are those times though, when life happens and my hectic schedule just does not allow for driving to the gym and putting in an hour plus long workout.  During those times I still try my best to incorporate some form of fitness into my day, which is where the Zobi comes in very handy. Squeeze in fitness anywhere with Zobi via @agirlsgottaspa The Zobi is a total body tool that helps you to condition muscles, burn calories, and work your core.  The ergonomic shape of the Zobi makes it is easy to grip. Due to its versatility, I can use the Zobi for a total body workout, including cardio, or on days when I am targeting specific muscle groups. The Zobi also comes with a workout DVD for those days when you want to mix it up by incorporating new workouts into your routine or if you do not have a routine and need some ideas. Total body workout with Zobi via @agirlsgottaspa Don't be fooled by the look of the Zobi - it is 7lbs and absolutely works those muscles! It's just the right size and weight to be effective while also not being difficult to travel with. When I'm on the road for my modeling shoots, sometimes finding a gym is easier said than done. Taking the Zobi along with me means I can squeeze in a workout from the comfort of my own hotel room. Using the Zobi is an afforable way to incorporate fitness into your daily life. Just set aside 30 minutes a day and you'll be amazed by the results! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! beauty blog. Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too! Disclosure: Press sample


I actually just got one yesterday! Its crazy to think its a weight cause that little bugger is fun to play around with! Very easy to manipulate, you can toss it around and create your own little workout to target specific areas..i love it!
Kristin Bassett
Kristin Bassett
If it will get me a body like her, I’m in ;)
I really enjoy products like these… definitely a great item to have for any work out.
Ooh, what a neat gadget!
This is so cute! I like that it seems easy to hold and 7 lbs is the perfect amount of weight for me.
Kath TheFabzilla
Kath TheFabzilla
I want her abs!
That looks like a very effective workout partner.
Shannon Smyth
Shannon Smyth
Similar to using weights when working out. :)
I can’t say that I understand what you do with it without taking the time to watch the video, but it looks cute!
Lola Seicento
Lola Seicento
The Zobi seems like a very efficient workout tool! I love the pictures of you on the beach!

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