The warmer weather is here, which means no more hiding our hands in gloves and instead finding some great nail polishes to show off our jazz hands. And just in case you haven’t noticed, nail polish has now trumped lipstick as the recession staple. So when I received a question about nail polish recently, I thought it was a good break from some of the
hair care questions the blog has been receiving lately.
“What are your suggestions for a good vacation nail polish? (My swimsuits are aqua and navy.) Kathryn, Rhode Island”
This is a great question because honestly how many of you have applied your most favorite polish only to have it chip a few days into your time away? I guess if you are going for the Chris Isaac/Helena Christensen “Wicked Game” video look then you are all good, otherwise it is very frustrating.
First, before recommending a color, I strongly suggest Zoya Nail Polish’s
Color Lock system. I cannot sing the praises of it enough and I use it with other brands because it is THAT good. Do I dare say I could potentially guarantee that your nail polish will last longer if you use it? I think I just did.
If you want your nail color to be matchy matchy to the color of your swimsuit, some blues I am loving right now are
Charla from Zoya. I also love Zoya's
Otherwise, I love pink (my super favorite color of all time). Again, I'd go with Zoya and they have many
pink hues to choose from.
But let’s open it up to you readers, can you suggest a great, long-lasting nail polish and nail color for Kathryn?
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