Although going to the spa can never be an overrated experience, there is something to be said of being able to bring the spa to the comfort and privacy of your own home with you and a few of your closest girlfriends...or sometimes just solo. The only problem with bringing the spa to your home is the quality of the spa products. More often than not, spa products that I am able to get my hands on are never spa quality and being that neither me nor my girlfriends are professional estheticians, we need our products to do the job that we can not. Which is why I love products from True Blue Spa by Bath & Body Works. The brands products are spa quality without the spa prices, they really allow you to experience the true spa experience at home.
My two favorite
True Blue Spa products are the 60-Second Manicure Hand Scrub and the Smoothing Foot Scrub. The Hand Scrub is a sugar based exfoliating treatment that also contains moisturizing Shea Butter. I love starting my at home spa manicures with the scrub because it immediately softens my hands and cuticles and allows any moisturizing products that follows, whether it's a hand lotion, masque or cuticle oil, to do a more effective job. The scrub also has a great citrusy scent...like a blend of sugar and grapefruit. Much like the hand scrub, the Smoothing Foot Scrub also smooths and softens, allowing moisturizing products to be better absorbed by the feet. The foot scrub also has a great refreshing minty scent, due to the Peppermint Oil that is a part of the ingredients and that also stimulates tired feet.
I may never completely give up going to a spa in favor of spa-ing at home, but for those days when the spa budget is a bit too tight or if I just want to have a girl's night in with my at home spa products and a bottle of wine, it's great to know that I have two amazing products on hand that very closely captures the spa experience and results without the steep spa price tags or having to change out of my jammies.
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