Tiny Tea Teatox (14 Day) Review - A Girl's Gotta Spa!

Tiny Tea Teatox (14 Day) Review

Tiny Tea Teatox review #tea #weightloss via @agirlsgottaspa My scenario may sound familiar to some of you: I work out regularly, and eat a healthy, balanced diet for the most part (there is the occasional burger about once every 2-3 months and a few pieces of candy sprinkled in here and there), but can never seem to get my stomach to get flatter and more toned.  When I say I work out regularly, I mean that I work out 5-6 times per week for at least 45 minutes and my workouts consist of cardio in the form of zumba, running or interval training, strength, yoga and various other exercise...so I definitely mix it up.  My diet also consists mostly of fresh or steamed,  veggies, quinoa and fruits, so the fact that my stomach refuses to cooperate with the rest of my body is just aggravating. I decided to try something else, which led me to purchasing my very first box of the 14 day supply of Tiny Tea Teatox.  I follow them on Instagram and am always blow away by some of the before and afters that people have posted after trying their system. Tiny Tea 14-day Teatox review via @agirlsgottaspa #detox Tiny Tea Teatox is formulated with Chinese medicine herbs and based upon Chinese medicinal principles.  It is a cleanse and herbal blend meant to nourish and cleanse the digestive system, providing the support your digestive system needs to replenish and restore it back to its natural state. This cleanse also assists with reducing weight, easing bloating, increasing digestion functionality, improving skin clarity, increasing energy levels and alleviating issues associated with food intolerances. I purchased the 14 - day Teatox and consumed it according to directions, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before or after meals after first letting it soak  in a cup of boiling water for 5-7 minutes at a time.  I have read a few reviews where people had complaints about the taste of the Teatox, but I had no issues with the taste.  I am a tea lover and to me it tastes just like regular tea. Within the third day of consuming Tiny Tea Teatox, I noticed I had a lot more energy and not the jittery, wired sort of energy.  Consuming the Tiny Tea made me more aware of my diet as well.  As I mentioned I eat pretty healthy for the most part, but I do get my sugar cravings.  After drinking Tiny Tea for a week, my sugar cravings completely went away.  I've been off of the tea for almost two weeks now and I still have no sugar cravings; not even on Halloween when baked goods and candies galore were right in front of my face. Before and After. Tiny Tea 14-Day Teatox via @agirlsgottaspa #detox I avoided staring in the mirror and looking at my stomach to see if it was less bloated during the Teatox because I wanted to wait until after the two weeks were up to compare my before and after pics.  I will say that during the Teatox, few people mentioned how much smaller my waist seemed and more than a couple pair of jeans did fit a bit looser in the waist.  The ultimate test was comparing my before and after pics, which I have posted on this blog post so that you can be the judge. While, I realize one pic is a little closer than the other (nobody is perfect to get the exact same angle), I think the definition is clear in the after picture. Whether that is a result of decreased bloating or weight loss (or a combination of both), I am happy with the results. I experienced absolutely no side effects drinking Tiny Tea Teatox and I am planning on getting the 28 day Tiny Teatox to get me through the holidays without regret and without facing the new year obsessed with undoing the damage overindulging did to my body during the holiday season. Would love to know if you've tried it yourself!  Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!


Hi Lynnea, No I didn’t feel like I started bloating or gained weight after I stopped. But I did continue eating really clean…mostly fruits, veggies and ocassionally quinoa and exercise 4-5 times a week. I think if you immediatly went back to foods that your are sensitive to you may gain weight /bloat after you stop.
When you stopped drinking the tea, did you feel like you started bloating/gaining weight again?

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