Behind the Scenes: Arise Rollerball Perfume - A Girl's Gotta Spa!

Behind the Scenes: Arise Rollerball Perfume

There comes a time in every woman's life where you have a revelation, an epiphany, something life-changing that it creates a pivot in your life that you can only "go up from here." While the events leading to it may, or may not have been positive, the upswing absolutely is.

Have you experienced this yet? If you haven't, I promise you, you will.

When deciding what to launch as the next product in the A Girl's Gotta Spa! bath and body line, I tossed around a few ideas in my head, but kept coming back to roll-on perfume.

Perfume is a personal thing. The fragrance you choose to wear is usually representative of your mood or how you want to feel. It's a confidence booster, a mood-lifter, a mark of your identity.

Like many other women in their 40's and beyond, I'm also at that reflective point in my life. You can look back and see turning points. You can point out which stepping stone lead to a rock, which led to a boulder which led to its own mountain. Sometimes the climb up that mountain wasn't always easy, but once you crest the summit, you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. All of these events mold and shape you and move you up.

Right now the atmosphere is changing for women. There is so much energy it's palpable. It seemed the timing was right to launch something reflective of this.

With both of the above in mind, and the coming of Spring and Summer, a floral fruity fragrance was born. The floral is jasmine sambuc - it's feminine, denotes strength and is oh so pretty. The fruits are grapefruit and orange - a nod to our Energizing Citrus bath and body products, but also a way to brighten and open up this scent. Vanilla bean is the last component to it all, softening it, creating a smoothness and bringing it all together.

Naming this fragrance was pretty simple - I asked all of the women on my personal Facebook to tell me in one word how to describe this combination of notes. Surprisingly, or not, quite a few repeated the same word: Arise.

It stuck and from there the vision of the design began to form in my mind. Movement upward, a blush color, ombre, and soft. The gradient hues of this pink-peach watercolor exhibit rising strength. The font - OMG I LOVE this font - that A is what captured my heart. It's strong, it rises above and its flare represents how sometimes a set back can propel you forward.

Arise feels like an evolution. It comes from such a personal space in my heart to you. I cannot wait for you to try it.

Arise rollerball perfume is vegan and cruelty free and is available now.

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Shannon Smyth
Shannon Smyth
Thank you Sheree, I agree.
Shannon Smyth
Shannon Smyth
Right, Tara? Sprays sit on my dresser and collect dust, rollerballs travel. :)
Shannon Smyth
Shannon Smyth
Thank you Melanie!
It is a great time to be support and empowering women where everyone is on the same page and going for the same goals. Arise sounds like a great scent. xo Sheree
I always love trying new scents. roller balls are my fave, they’re so easily tote and packable!
Melanie williams
Melanie williams
This is great! Ideal to fit in my bag and I also love how the perfume is cruelty free x
Shannon Smyth
Shannon Smyth
Hi Danie, yes, some companies use suppliers that test their ingredients on animals. We do not (yay!) and go through certification with Leaping Bunny.
You gave me something to think of. I have no idea if my perfume is cruelty free. I love fragrance. My fave is a bottle I made in Paris of my favorite oils. It is so special to me. I really am wondering about my perfumes now. I don’t want them to be associated with animal testing!
Shannon Smyth
Shannon Smyth
Thanks Christina!
Christina | From Under a Palm Tree
Christina | From Under a Palm Tree
I totally agree I think it’s crazy how when you get older you can pinpoint certain things in your life that represents a change in your life or taste. This product sounds really great!

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