*This post is sponsored by Exzo. Opinions are my own.*

January – the month that starts off with you dragging yourself back to work, the realisation that you’ve eaten your weight in turkey and mince pies over the festive season and the mild onset of depression when you realise that it’s finally time to sort yourself out like you kept telling yourself you would as you were throwing back the mulled wine and pouring on the brandy sauce throughout December.
The start of the year can, however, also bring with it a renewed sense of motivation to introduce healthy habits into your lifestyle and a detox is an ideal way to jump-start the process.
The benefits of detoxing include increased energy, a stronger immune system, and improved skin as the body releases toxins, clearer thinking and improved sleep.
I recently tried a 7 day Exzo
detox teatox cleanse in December as a way to avoid the pre-Christmas bloat that is often brought on by the excessive amount of festive dinners and drinks in the lead up to Christmas. I wanted to see whether Exzo’s Clenzo Herbal Blend Tea would actually make me feel different during the busiest and most indulgent month of the year (you know, since most detox teas require you to eat nothing but kale and claim that the tea is the reason you’re feeling on top of the world after 7 days.)

I also tried not to read up too much about how I ‘should’ feel when I take the tea, because I didn’t want to unintentionally be influenced about how the tea made me feel. Yes, this may seem like an unconventional approach but I wanted to really test the tea and I’m happy to say that I was seriously impressed with the way I felt!
Usually at the end of December I feel worn out, bloated and generally unhealthy. And with a trip to Mauritius at the end of the month, I wanted to see whether using Exzo would make the idea of wearing a bikini in just a couple of weeks’ time, feel a bit less daunting. I did however try to avoid alcohol and refined sugar, but in all honesty the tea banished cravings and helped keep me on track.
The first thing I noticed about the Clenzo blend was the taste – it was delicious! Unlike some herbal blends it didn’t taste like grass, but instead had a refreshing, lemongrass flavour with a hint of goji berry and ginger. I genuinely looked forward to my next cup (recommended 3 times a day during a 7 day cleanse.)

The second thing I noticed was how calm I became, I felt so relaxed. This surprised me because I remember when I tried a different detox tea years ago I began feeling a bit dizzy and anxious. After the teatox when I researched the ingredients, I learned that this was due to the high GABA content, which is a neurotransmitter that naturally calms the body and helps reduce stress.
I felt alert – even though December was packed with late nights, during the week that I tried Exzo tea I noticed that I concentrated more on tasks I was doing and was not as easily distracted.
Exzo banished all cravings for sweet or unhealthy food and stabilised my blood sugar. It made me feel lighter and full of energy and the thought of a fatty meal or junk food was the last thing I felt like. I noticed that my usual 3pm trip to the office pantry was replaced with a trip to the kettle – the tea is not designed to be a meal replacement, but I noticed that I began snacking less.
Clenzo is also not a laxative, meaning that you are guaranteed no damage to the digestive system and any weight loss you notice is real instead of the dehydrating and mineral eliminating laxative effects that come with other detox teas (which can contain harmful ingredients, such as Senna.)

The great thing about Exzo is it can be used whenever you like and alongside any diet – you don’t have to use it purely for a 7, 14 or 21 day cleanse. Whether you want to avoid packing on the kilos in December or start the year off a bit lighter, Exzo is the perfect solution. It is packed with energy boosting and bloat busting ingredients making it the perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle.
These natural ingredients include Oolong, dried ginger root, nettle leaf, goji berries, liquorice root, fennel seeds, lemongrass, ginseng and garcinia cambogia.
Exzo herbal tea is also eco-friendly (yay!) and contains no harmful ingredients.
I would highly recommend Exzo and I personally can’t wait to start another 7 day cleanse to kick start 2017 with a healthy bang…and to make up for all the curries and noodles I had whilst on holiday…
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