Kettlebell Workout for Weight Loss

Candyce Ross
Try these different kettlebell workouts via @agirlsgottaspa When most of us think of weight training, we imagine muscly men in the gym pumping iron double their weight with thighs the size of tree trunks. Many of us don’t associate weight training with weight loss because it seems counter intuitive to build muscle when we’re trying to slim down. In fact, the opposite is true – lifting weights is the single most effective way to burn fat. Unlike cardio, after each weight training workout your muscles need energy to repair; meaning that your body burns a greater percentage of calories from fat. Research shows that after a weight training workout, your metabolism can be boosted for up to 36 hours. So, after your morning workout for example, you’ll be burning more calories whilst sitting at your desk at work and whilst you’re sleeping that night – winning! Kettlebell workout tips via @agirlsgottaspa Whilst cardio is of course a good form of exercise, it can lead to the loss of muscle and fat. Weight or resistance training on the other hand promotes lean muscle mass which allows your body to burn more calories at rest. Your BMR (base metabolic rate) is the calories your body burns just to keep itself running. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories are burned even if you do nothing but ‘Netflix and chill’ all day. To torch those calories and keep burning them the whole day, try this 45 minute workout below. I have also officially found the most stylish kettlebells out there – Heart Kettlebells (available in 4kg and 8kg). These are the perfect addition to your home gym and are versatile enough to use for a range of different exercises. The full body workout below consists of three sets made up of four exercises. Repeat each exercise for 45 seconds before taking a 15 second rest and moving on to the next exercise in the set. Each set has three rounds and between each round there is a one minute rest period. Set 1: Standing pull up - Stand with your feet apart. Start with the weight at the bottom with straight arms and both hands on the kettlebell. Then pull up with your elbows coming out to the side. Hold the kettlebell up towards your chest and keep your elbows just a bit more than 180 degrees. Lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat. Alternate lunges – Start with your left leg forward and your right leg backwards (this is the leg that will drop into the lunge.) Hold the kettlebell in your right hand and lunge, driving the weight of the kettlebell up through your lunge. After 20 seconds, swap sides and repeat for another 20 seconds. Bent over row - Stand with your legs hip-length apart. Bend over forwards and grab a hold of the handle of the kettlebell. Keeping your core tight and your back straight, stand up brining the kettlebell with you. Do not lift the kettlebell, simply hold onto it and feel the stretch in your quads. Mountain climbers - Place both kettlebells shoulder width apart. Hold onto the top of each and come into a raised plank position. Brace your core and bring one leg in as high as you can towards your chest, then the other and repeat for 45 seconds as fast, but controlled, as you can. Rest for 1 min, then repeat set until you have done this set three times. Heart Kettlebells and kettlebell worksout via @agirlsgottaspa Set 2: Kettlebell swing – Use your hips in this movement and allow the weight of the kettlebell to drive the movement (don't lift the kettlebell with your arms.) Start with hips a bit wider than hip distance apart, with both palms down grab the handle of the kettlebell with both hands. Lower your body and swing the kettlebell from between your legs out in front of you. Repeat this swinging motion for 45 seconds. Bicep curl – Grab hold of the handle of the kettlebell with the palm of your hand facing you. Bring the kettlebell up from the side of your body into a bicep curl, stopping at 90 degrees. Goblet Squat – Hold the kettlebell in front of you with both hands, grabbing hold of each side of the handle and squat for 45 seconds. Side bend – Stand with your legs hip width apart. With the handle of a kettlebell in your right hand and facing towards the front, bend sideways towards your left almost like a standing side crunch. Repeat for 20 seconds and then change sides and repeat. Rest for 1 min, then repeat set until you have done this set three times. Set 3: Wall sit - Place your back against a wall with your feet shoulder width apart and a little way out in front from the wall. At all times your back should be flat against the wall and you should form two right angles – one at the hips and one at the knees. Hold the kettlebell with both hands above your knees for 45 seconds Two arm kettlebell row – Grab two kettlebells and place them in front of your feet with your knees bent slightly. Pull the kettlebells towards your stomach whilst keeping your elbows close to your body and your back straight. Kettlebell push up – This is a tough one! Place the two kettlebells shoulder width apart and come into a push-up position with each hand holding onto a handle of a kettlebell. Come down towards the kettlebells in a push-up position and then push up away from the floor. If you can, between reps at the top of the push-up, pull one kettlebell in towards your body and then carefully lower down again. If it’s a little too much, just do a normal push up either on your toes or your knees. Sit ups – Lie down and hold the bottom part of the kettlebell in two hands towards your chest. Sit up and bring the kettlebell with you. If this is too difficult just do normal sit ups. Rest for 1 min, then repeat set until you have done this set three times. This workout can be modified to a 30 minute version by doing each set twice instead of three times. Even though this is a short workout you will be burning calories throughout the day! Leave me a comment and let me know how it goes! Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! beauty blog. Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram. Got a Kindle? We’re on Kindle too!

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You Had Me at Weight Loss Nutrisystem

Shannon Smyth4 comments
Weight Loss Journey with @Nutrisystem When I was younger I would always say, "If I get to X weight, then I'll go on a diet." "X" would always vary based on what was going on at the time. I always had a cap weight though. 170 lbs. I'm only 5'1" and knew that this was too much weight for me. I recall with my 4th son I reached 170 during my pregnancy. I gave myself the excuse that I was pregnant and that it would go away once he was born..and some of it did, but not all of course. People would try to say nice things like, "Well you did have 4 kids, so of course you'll be out of shape and have some weight on." At some point full length mirrors disappeared from my house. One summer I took up walking around the lake in front of my house with my friend Barb. I loved having a friend to chat with (I hate doing things alone, I get super bored.) We walked religiously 6 nights a week, first just doing one time around (1 mile) and eventually we built it up to 2-3 laps a night. Before the summer was over, I had lost 25 pounds and looked and felt great. But then life got in the way, and being a single mom didn't warrant time for me to do anything for myself anymore. I maintained that lesser weight for a while and it was only in the last two years that I began to gain it back. And as of my wedding, I weighed in at 173 and my mind went back to that young girl who told herself 170 was way too much. I look at the pictures of myself and often refer to myself the way I felt that day: Porky Pig. I remember when I was about 20 and weighed 125 pounds that my doctor told me I was obese. She said that someone of my height should only be 100 pounds. So imagine my mindset at just being shy of 39 years old and 173 pounds. I feel like if that doctor saw me now she'd be having me scheduled for bariatric surgery. Over the years I've watched some of my blogger friends try Nutrisystem (#NSnation) and successfully lose the weight (and keep it off.) Of course, there are the ones that struggled too (and that's OK, we all struggle at some point.) I'm most inspired by my friend Nancy of Beauty411 who lost 100 pounds on Nutrisystem. She has been in maintenance mode for a while now and is a great resource. What is odd to me is that I am a size 10 still in my jeans and a size 12 in dresses. Most of my weight is in my chest...but I've always been big busted, and in my stomach. OK, and maybe my butt too. Yet, even when I weighed 125 I was a size 10, so I'm confused how my weight can vary so much yet still be the same clothing size. I know that realistically there is no way I could get myself to 100 pounds and maintain it. And quite honestly, I think that would look just as unhealthy as 173. So I've set a realistic goal for me of 130. And even 43 pounds sounds overwhelming to me, but I'm motivated to learn to eat healthy and incorporate more exercise into my life. I also want to be happy with what I look like, and I am oh so unhappy right now. I don't look at Nutrisystem as a diet though, but more like helping me to understand (and stick to) portion control. Let's be honest here, those words haven't been in my vocabulary up to this point. My husband mentioned putting a full length mirror on the back of the door in the bedroom and I cringed...but I'm hoping at some point to be ready to say OK. So I hope you'll follow my weight loss journey over the next couple of months; I'll be starting in the next week once my shipment arrives and will be posting weekly about my progress. I hope you'll leave me encouraging comments here or on Facebook, and tweet me @agirlsgottaspa. I'll need all of the positivity I can get! Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Subscribe to A Girl’s Gotta Spa! Watch our reviews on YouTube, see our pins on Pinterest and check us out on Instagram and G+. Got a KindleWe’re on Kindle tooShannon on G+ *Disclosure: Sponsored

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