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Trade in stress for tranquility. Get the sensation of a moisturizing spa treatment at home!

Body Wash: A gentle, pure citrus scent that is bright and uplifting. Our Energizing Citrus Body Wash washes away the tension in your muscles and soothes dry skin from head to toe—keeping it feeling hydrated with aloe and plant-based botanicals. 

Body Lotion: Our indulgent citrus scented lotion is made not only for moisturization, but a glossy sheen combining shea, cocoa butter and olive oil that is the consistency of a body milk and gives you a glow without being sticky or greasy.

This Skin Soothing Duo of Energizing Citrus is a cocktail of pure essential oils of pink grapefruit, orange, lemon, and lime - a scent that is clean and refreshing.

This is our best-selling body care set! Discover the A Girl's Gotta Spa! difference today!

Energizing Citrus Skin Soothing Duo
$39.99 USD $46.00 USD

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